22 December 2020
Artificial intelligence is rapidly penetrating the realms of digital marketing, allowing marketers and brands to carve out a competitive edge with considerable ease and lesser resources. Every day your business delays the incorporation of innovative AI-based solutions in your digital marketing campaign, it loses competitive edge and user engagement.
It may seem overly dramatic but embracing AI-powered marketing software and tools have the ability to bring your brand to the forefront without requiring any increments in your marketing resources. Major brands, such as Google, Amazon and Netflix rely on artificial intelligence to offer their users highly personalized and creatively curated experiences.
In recent years, AI has become deeply integrated with digital marketing, allowing brands to enhance user experience and engagement considerably. In this article, Tenfold Growth team of experts will help you understand how you can leverage AI-based tools to boost the engagement of your content marketing campaigns.
Here’s everything you need to know:
Enhancing PPC Advertising
It is crucial to note that over 40% of the US digital ad market is dominated by Google, while 19.7% of the market share is controlled by Facebook. Marketers rely on pay-per-click budgets to boost their campaigns on Facebook and AdWords. These pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns are managed and overseen by PPC agencies or in-house marketing teams, basically, humans are overseeing these efforts.
What if you could set up an AI-based tool to eliminate the need for humans entirely? AI can help you explore highly lucrative advertising channels that your competitors may not be using. AI-powered systems introduce advertisers to new advertising platforms for highly optimized targeting.
Facebook is utilizing AI-based tools to enhance their ad delivery optimization. In-house AI tools eliminate the need for third-party advertisers, powering your marketing teams with superior tools and enhanced accuracy. AI-based tools eliminate the need for human input as they manage, optimize and analyze paid ad campaigns for superior results.
At Tenfold Growth Ltd we strongly advise businesses to power their advertising strategy with machine learning algorithms to explore innovative ways to improve your bids, targeting, layouts and copywriting activities.
Enhanced CRO & Website Experience
AI has the capacity to enhance conversion rate optimization (CRO) and offer highly personalized website experiences to boost user engagement. AI allows marketers to improve website design and incorporate highly intelligent personalization to improve the user experience. AI algorithms allow marketers to personalize the website experience by analyzing large volumes of data about every single user.
AI algorithms take into account user demographics, devices, content interactions and preferences to improve the overall experience to usher in behavioral personalization. AI also promotes push notifications that can be personalized for each individual user, attracting users with the right message delivered at the right time. Marketers are advised to utilize AI to deliver their target audience highly personalized web experiences aimed at boosting conversion rates by improving customer experiences. Brands such as Pandora, and The Wall Street Journal, rely on AI-based marketing strategies to stand out from their competition and enhance their conversion rates.
For instance, Pandora relies on machine learning algorithms to suggest its listeners to new songs that are aligned with their listening preferences. While working with huge volumes of content, it can be difficult to personalize the experience of every single user, but AI can make this strategy incredibly simpler by offering each user a personalized and well-curated experience.
Content Creation
AI-powered content creation has emerged as the most lucrative avenue for digital markets to boost conversions and make their website content highly effective for lead generation. AI holds remarkable potential in allowing marketers to master highly efficient and impactful content creation. It is crucial to note machines are increasingly authoring business content for leading brands and businesses.
Presently machines are capable of generating simple content formats and rules, such as profit and loss summaries, hotel descriptions, real-time stock insights, quarterly business reports, sports game recaps and more.
AI-generated narratives are much more effective and creative than write-ups written by humans. The writing style of these narratives are curated on the basis of data insights and the formats published by your brand. AI-powered tools can also help marketers power their content with engaging keywords to boost SEO rankings.
AI-based marketing tools, such as Rocco, are popularly used by marketers to curate highly engaging and creative social media content. AI-based tools can also be used to create email marketing campaigns, personalized messages and business reports.
AI-Powered Chatbots
Modern-day websites are increasingly powered by bots that are capable of conducting seamless and highly engaging conversations with online customers. We firmly recommend the adoption of AI-powered chatbots as they are the most popular and common example of incorporating AI to enhance the website and customer service experience.
These customer service bots are much more efficient and helpful than humans as they are able to collect information from huge volumes of data consisting of customer experiences, past purchases, product pages, billing information and much more. From the fashion and beauty industries to healthcare, mortgage, insurance and much more; AI-powered chatbots are emerging as the future of highly intelligent customer support.
They are capable of offering a much more personalized and optimized content experience than human customer support representatives. You see, chatbots can access millions of customer-centered data points within a matter of sections, detecting repetitive problems and patterns to offer intelligent and instant solutions, making them much more knowledgeable than humans.
Chatbots are also capable of offering appealing suggestions and assist with buying decisions by extracting valuable insights from customer data points and buying behaviors.
Marketers have access to a wide array of AI-powered tools and software that can supplement their marketing efforts in a myriad of ways. AI-based tools allow the creation of intelligent email curation, and they also help marketers define their efforts and targeting by pulling valuable insights from consumer buying and behavior patterns.
AI-powered content creation can make email and social media marketing campaigns much more effective by compiling content on the basis of previously read blog articles, previous website interactions and experiences, and the time duration spent on popular website content.
Feel free to get in touch with our team for further information, specific to your marketing initiatives, industry niche and target audience. At Tenfold Growth Ltd from London UK, we aid marketers in adopting the right AI-powered tools to improve the effectiveness, engagement and creativity of their marketing campaigns.
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